More About Alyson Boell-Marchand


Alyson Boell-Marchand loves to investigate movement and to help others do the same. At even a young age she used dance and movement as a way to find her way through the complexities of life. She graduated with a BFA in Dance and Choreography from California Institute of the Arts in 2002 and soon after acquired her Certificate of Pilates comprehension through Body Arts and Science International. Alyson has since studied with and around so many amazing teachers, practitioners, and therapists and has absorbed many different somatic and teaching styles into her practice. Alyson finds joy in helping people learn how to connect to their bodies, in the little ah-ha moments that come when her clients find connections they didn’t know were there, and in helping them find ease and joy in movement. Alyson's teaching style ranges depending on who is in front of her. Sometimes we need to move slowly with extreme focus and sometimes we need to move very energetically and athletically. The goal is to feel great.

Training & Experience

BFA in Dance and Choreography from California Institute of the Arts in 2002. Comprehensive Pilates Certification from BASI in 2004

Favorite Joseph Pilates-ism

Before any real benefit can be derived from physical exercises, one must first learn how to breath properly. Our very life depends on it.

I am passionate about teaching Pilates because…

I see that the work changes my clients from the outside in. Tuning in and coming into our bodies helps to ground us and we learn a lot so much about ourselves and even our emotions. Learning to breathe properly brings us life and movement enhances life.

Favorite Pilates Exercise is…

The Tower on the Cadillac because I love to be upside down and because of the amazing spinal massage it gives. It calms the nervous system.

Outside of Studio 360, Pilates supports my…

Dancing, hiking, gardening, and really all of the activities in life.

Pilates has transformed my life by…

Showing me that I can always gain strength and support in my body in subtle ways. I also have met so many amazing people that I would have never met without the common love of Pilates.

My spirit Pilates animal is…

Definitely a mermaid!